Pergunta no Resposta kona-ba COVID-19 no Fó susubeen inan

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Bele ka lae COVID-19 ne’e da’et liuhosi susubeen inan?

To’o agora seidauk iha evidénsia hatudu katak COVID-19 ne’ebé ativu hela (virus ne’e bele kauza infesaun) liuhosi inan nia susubeen ka bainhira inan fó susu. Laiha razaun ida ba inan sira atu para fó susu sira-nia oan.


Iha komunidade ne’ebé maka COVID-19 ataka hela, inan sira tenki kontinua fó susu ka lae?

Sin. Ida fatin sosio-ekonómiku hotu, fó susubeen inan ne’e aumenta

In communities where COVID-19 is prevalent, should mother’s breastfeed?

Yes. In all socio-economic settings, breastfeeding improves survival and provides lifelong health and development advantages to newborns and infants. Breastfeeding also improves the health of mothers.

Following delivery, should a baby still be immediately placed skin-to-skin and breastfed if the mother is confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19?

Yes. Immediate and continued skin-to-skin care, including kangaroo mother care, improves the temperature control of newborns and is associated with improved survival among newborn babies. Placing the newborn close to the mother also enables early initiation of breastfeeding which also reduces mortality.

The numerous benefits of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding substantially outweigh the potential risks of transmission and illness associated with COVID-19.

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Inan isin rua ne’ebé konfirmadu ka suspeitu ba COVID-19 bele fó susu ka lae?

Sin. Inan ne’ebé konfirmadu ka suspeitu ba COVID-19 bele kontinua fó susu bainhira sira hakarak. Maibé sira tenke:

Fase liman beibeik ho sabaun no bee ka uza dezinfetante no liuliu bainhira antes kous bebé;

Uza máskara bainhira besik bebé, inklui bainhira fó susu;

Bainhira me’ar ka fani tenke uza tixu. No soe kedas tixu ba lixu fatin no fase kedas liman;

Tenki hamoos beibeik no dezinfeta sasan sira ne’ebé ka’er ona

Importante atu troka beibeik máskara bainhira bokon no fo’er no soe kedas. Labele uza fali máskara ka ka’er hosi parte oin.

Se inan ne’ebé konfirmadu ka suspeitu hetan COVID-19 no laiha máskara, bele ka lae sira kontinua fó susu?

Sin. Fó susubeen inan ne’e hamenus taxa mortalidade iha bebé foin moris no labarik sira no ida ne’e fornese vantajen di’ak ba labarik nia dezenvolvimentu kakutak no moris saudavel ba moris tomak.

Rekomenda ba inan ne’ebé ho sintomas COVID-19 atu uza máskara, maske ida ne’e la posivel, maibé tenke kontinua nafatin fó susu bebé. Inan sira tenke halo tuir medida prevensaun infesaun seluk, hanesan fase liman, dezinfeta sasaan ka objetu, bainhira me’ar ka fani uza tixu.

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Máskara naun-médiku (ezemplu. Máskara hena ka halo hosi uma) seidauk iha avaliasaun. Agora daudaun, ida ne’e la posivel atu halo rekomendasaun apoiu ka la apoiu atu ema bele uza.


I have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and am too unwell to breastfeed my baby directly. What can I do?

If you are too unwell to breastfeed your baby due to COVID-19 or other complications, you should be supported to safely provide your baby with breast milk in a way possible, available, and acceptable to you. This could include:

Expressing milk;

Donor human milk.

If expressing breast milk or donor human milk are not feasible then consider wet nursing or infant formula milk with measures to ensure that it is feasible, correctly prepared, safe and sustainable.

I had confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and was unable to breastfeed, when can I start to breastfeed again?

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You can start to breastfeed when you feel well enough to do so. There is no fixed time interval to wait after confirmed or suspected COVID-19. There is no evidence that breastfeeding changes the clinical course of COVID-19 in a mother. Health workers or breastfeeding counsellors should support you to relactate.

I have confirmed or suspected COVID-19, is it safer to give my baby infant formula milk?

No. There are always risks associated with giving infant formula milk to newborns and infants in all settings. The risks associated with giving infant formula milk are increased whenever home and community conditions are compromised, such as reduced access to health services if a baby becomes unwell, reduced access to clean water and/or access to supplies of infant formula milk are difficult or not guaranteed, affordable and sustainable.

The numerous benefits of breastfeeding substantially outweigh the potential risks of transmission and illness associated with the COVID-19 virus.

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